Friday, February 5, 2010

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Today, in response to numerous press inquiries, National Labor Relations Board Chairman Wilma Liebman made the following statement regarding nominations to the Board of Craig Becker, Mark Pearce and Brian Hayes that have been pending before the Senate since July of 2009:

“I am disappointed that we still do not have a fully constituted Board despite the naming of three nominees last summer. The Board has been in limbo for a long time. For more than two years, the Board has had to operate with three vacancies, leaving only myself and Member Peter Schaumber to decide the hundreds of cases that come before us. We have done our best to carry out the Board’s important work, issuing more than 500 decisions in cases involving thousands of workers across the country. But our authority to do so has been challenged and now the Supreme Court will decide whether we can continue to function. At the same time, the Board has been unable to move forward on the most significant cases before it. I look forward to a time in the near future when the Board is back at full capacity resolving issues vital to American workers and their employers.”

It's a shame that with so many people out of work, the Board can't get more help. This politically charged statement with its lofty rhetoric is sure to move Congress ASAP. With the new Republican from MA, and with Senator McCain opposed to Becker, I don't give his appointment very good chances. Is the President going to go to the mat on this one? I don't think so!